There’s incredible power in putting your hands on every piece of trash you’ve created in the last year. In some ways it’s a pretty messy endeavor, but in others, it’s an incredible reminder of all the things you’ve experienced, the people you’ve seen, and the things you enjoy most in life. An untraditional diary of life if you will.
When I started transitioning toward the zero waste life it was never any part of my intention to achieve a specific goal when it came to my trash. I knew it would never be zero, I knew that striving to keep it all in a mason jar was likely unattainable, but I knew that I wanted to create less and that I would do everything I could to avoid bringing unnecessary waste into my life and home. So when I emptied my trash in January 2017 I gave myself a simple a challenge: see how long it takes you to fill your trash bin again.
Unfortunately, my experiment was thwarted when I came home one afternoon and found the trash emptied by a presumptuous good samaritan. So I started again, and at the beginning of 2018 I set another goal: see if you can achieve one bag of trash for an entire year (and this time audit it!).