1. Avoid toxic people.
2. Take a guilt-free nap.
3. Challenge your negative thinking.
4. Practice saying “ No”.
5. Do a workbook for mental health.
6. Change up your routine and try something new.
7. Turn into binaural tones to rewire your brain.
8. Read a book.
9. Meditate for 7 minutes.
10. Try a new hobby.
11. Schedule” me time” into your calendar.
12. Reward yourself.
13. Use adult colouring to unwind and release stress and anxiety.
14. Goof around.
15. Identify your triggers or warming signs that self care is needed.
16. Listen to a podcast.
17. Do something spontaneous.
18. Unplug from technology for at least an hour.
19. Take a mental healthy day.
20. Create a to do list to help clear the mind.
21. Declutter and clean up.
22. Make a playlist based on your current mood.

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