What is the Tibetan Singing Bowl?
A singing bowl is a metallic bowl that is made of seven different alloys (gold, silver, copper, tin, mercury, lead, Zink).
There are 12 kinds of singing bowls in the world. The first user of a singing bowl on the earth was from Nepal.
Singing bowls – also known as Himalayan bowls – are used in yoga, music therapy, sound healing, and religious ceremonies.
In this Basic Course You will learn:
From all the skills that we offer you to practice you will have a chance to practice and learn from the giving session. Afterwards, you are ready for the next version of you – an energy empath.
Understand your Power – Understand your intuition
Deciding to become a healer/empath is a brave decision. If you are here, you definitely will be sure about what you do and who you are.
Sound Healing can powerfully transform the participants and so the therapist. You both connect through the vibration and the sound.
The advanced level will learn how to manage your own emotion, energy and healing power to assist your therapeutic treatments.
5 lessons of how to play the bowl in sequences and help our client to heal themself which are Relaxation Sequences; Pain Relief Sequences; Detoxification Sequences; Energy Balancing and Sound Bath Sequences.
Besides, You will have the opportunity to exchange with other trainees during the Sound Healing session.
Furthermore, We guide you on how to cleanse yourself, build strong energy pillars from within to avoid energy vampires who always look for you to take energy from you.
The relaxation treatment is received, demonstrated and trained, so that participants can give 60-90min treatments professionally to others.
This treatment is a very powerful relaxation treatment suitable for
everybody and especially useful for stress related conditions.
Basics on theory of sound therapy, singing bowls history and singing
bowl quality is explained.
Participants of Module A will be provided with a Module A Set of bowls of 7-9 bowls.
It is advisable to practice Module A Relaxation Treatment for some weeks/months before entering Module B training, but also many people have succesfully studied both Modules with a break day inbetween Modules.
In Module B the emphasis lies on practical skills to be enabled to apply
6 more treatment types based on the astromedical concepts of
Paracelsus, the most important medicine man in the last millieneum.
Aura Harmonization, Long Life Sound Elixir, Detoxtification and
Crisis – as a potential treatments are the main focus and participants will
understand basic theories on these therapeutic applications and their
origin as well.
Furthermore theory covers Human Biography work and development of
the Aura during the human life.
Human development is an unfolding of different processes as an archetype. Those insights are immensely important for all those who wish to
become therapists.